Clear round show jumping- 5 min slots £6.5 (on a surface). Pre book a time slot
10-10.25am- 60cm
10.30-11am- 70cm
11am-11.25am 80cm
11.30-11.55am- 90cm
12.30-12.55pm 1.05m
1-1.25pm- 80cm
1.30-1.55pm- 90cm
2-2.25pm- 1m
Dressage Test (on a surface)- book a specific test, test times will be issued within that hour and emailed out.
To be ridden in front of a judge. No placings will be given, just an opportunity to run through a test and recieve the judges comments. £11/test
12-1pm- BE91/BE101
1-2pm- BE91/BE101
Time slots must be pre-booked. You can have 20min in the warmup arena prior to your jumping time
In order to keep costs down we will not be issuing rosettes.
Casual Riding Clothes
No horses under the age of 4.
No Dogs
no draw reins/running reins/market harboroughs. Standing martingales are accepted for the show jumping only.
20 March Eventing Training Day- SJ and Dressage
Pre entries only